Corporate Sustainability as a cornerstone of Luxaviation
19 April 2021
Luxembourg - Luxaviation Group, one of the largest business aircraft and helicopter operators worldwide, is announcing that it is reinforcing their corporate sustainability strategy further with the launch of a number of initiatives in 2021. Expressly underlining the role of sustainability as a cornerstone of the Luxaviation Group, the company has appointed a Head of Sustainability to position sustainability as an integral part of the groups’ corporate strategy.
Patrick Hansen, CEO of Luxaviation Group says: “We are committed to creating added value for our customers, employees and investors and do so in full consideration of our responsibilities toward the environment and society. Our long-term business prospects, and those of our clients, are tied to a sustainable planet.”
Patrick Hansen continues: “We therefore choose to integrate sustainability into our decision-making process, actively tackle social and environmental concerns that surround our business and continuously seek to improve our ways of operating. We realize that this matters to our clients and strive to offer a sustainable journey, both on the ground and in the air.”
In 2007 the Luxaviation Group, became one of the first private jet operators to offer a carbon offset program by partnering up with MyClimate. Since then, the group has implemented multiple initiatives to reduce its impact on the environment, such as electrified ramp vehicles, exploring Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) procurement opportunities and digitizing processes to reduce paper waste.
In addition, to address the social dimension of Corporate Sustainability, Luxaviation follows a comprehensive management approach that promotes diversity of gender, demography and nationality and is embodying a family-aware corporate culture.
Going forward, Luxaviation will adopt an open book policy and publish a yearly Sustainability Report to share its progress with its clients, employees and stakeholders.
Luxaviation is supporting the first ever Business Aviation Summit on Sustainable Aviation fuel (EBAA), being held virtually on April 20, and is proud to have Nicolas Kroll, the group’s Head of Sustainability on the panel to discuss the broad adoption of SAF as described in the Business Aviation Commitment on Climate Change.