Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability is intricately woven into the fabric of our corporate strategy, as we prioritise the creation of added value for our customers, employees, and investors. We remain steadfast in our commitment to our responsibilities towards the environment and society, ensuring that they are thoroughly considered in all our endeavours.

Patrick Hansen - Group Chief Executive Officer, Luxaviation Group

“It is amazing to see how many of our employees are committing themselves to good causes and take the initiatives to help raise funds on all the continents where we are present. As a Group, we decided to support both the activities initiated by our different operators and our employees’ private commitments to raise funds.”

Patrick Hansen - Group Chief Executive Officer

Our Commitment

At Luxaviation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is ingrained in our organisation, shaping our values and guiding our actions. We deeply value our employees and their diverse cultural backgrounds, recognising that their combined skills and dedication are vital to our success. We take pride in our solid reputation, which is a testament to the commitment and talents of our team. We prioritise the recruitment and development of a diverse, highly skilled, enthusiastic, and passionate workforce. Our goal is to create a dynamic and inclusive work environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and growth. Through training, mentorship, and advancement opportunities, we support our employees' development and ensure they have the resources needed to thrive.

Our commitment to CSR extends beyond words, as we actively address social and environmental concerns surrounding our business. We make conscious decisions to minimise our environmental impact, promote ethical behavior, and contribute positively to society. By integrating sustainability and responsible practices into our operations, we strive to create a brighter future for aviation and beyond. At Luxaviation, we firmly believe that by embracing CSR, we can make a lasting difference, both for our stakeholders and the wider world.

Luxaviation Annual Sustainability Reports showcasing Corporate Social Responsibility

Annual Sustainability Reports 

Luxaviation is devoted to publishing an annual sustainability report, providing transparent insights into our accomplishments, impact, and progress on our collective journey toward sustainable aviation and beyond.

Elevate Our Excellence

As we strive for continuous improvement, your feedback is welcomed. Contact our dedicated sustainability department.

Luxaviation Annual Sustainability Reports showcasing Corporate Social Responsibility

Nicola-Jane Sellers - Group Sustainability Manager


We strive to preserve the resources of Planet Earth and look for ways to protect the environment in all we do. Our responsibility also extends to the communities in which we operate, which we will support through our charitable activities.

Environmental Sustainability

Following the UN global compact principles and its Sustainable Development Goals, we are pursuing our journey to continuously improve the way we are conducting our business.

Social Sustainability

Luxaviation follows a comprehensive management approach that understands diversity of gender, demography and nationality and encourage and support equal participation of men and women in management positions of our Group.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Promoting diversity and gender equality in Luxaviation's management.
Industry sustainability is integral to Luxaviation's Corporate Social Responsibility Commitment.

Industry Sustainability

Industry sustainability is integral to Luxaviation's CSR commitment. We actively support innovation and encourage collaboration in our shared pursuit for a sustainable aviation industry.